Welcome to the 96,100 Steps Healthy You Fitness Challenge
At Cary Medical we have a Vision to create healthier communities. That is why we sponsor physical fitness activity. We all know that being physically active throughout our lifetime is so important to our overall quality of life. We like to create programs that virtually everyone can participate in and we have found that Walking is really just the right thing. Walking is truly ‘miracle medicine’ a brisk walk for 30 minutes or more most days of the week can help manage your weight, reduce blood pressure, reduce heart disease, improve mood, even reduce your risk for Alzheimer’s disease. Over the past year nearly 800 people participated in our walking challenges and now we are pleased to launch our 96,100 Steps Healthy You Fitness Challenge.
Just register and if you are one of the first 500 you will get a Pedometer to track your steps. Every time you hit 96,100 steps submit your activity by email or by calling our Public Relations office at 498-1112. Each time we receive your submission we will enter your name in a chance to win a week-long Bermuda Cruise through Cruise1 in Caribou. There will be other great prizes too thanks to our generous sponsors. Just complete the registration form below. The program is free and open to everyone. Our contest began on February 1 and will end on May 15th. We will draw the winner of the Bermuda Cruise on Friday, May 18th. You can join the Challenge any time but the more times you complete 96,100 steps the more chances you will have to win the cruise or other great prizes. We will have a special prize for the adult eighteen and older and the person under 18 who has the most steps. If you would prefer to do miles rather than steps you can convert miles to steps. We will use the formula that there are 2100 steps in a mile. When you submit your mileage convert it to steps.
So take the miracle medicine and get walking with a chance to win a Bermuda Cruise. You will also receive health tips every week and other great health and wellness information. Register today!