Today kicks off our 2020 Cary Medical Center Health Fair! For 96 years, Cary Medical Center has been serving Aroostook County people by providing exceptional healthcare as we passionately aim to create healthier communities. Our annual health fair has always been a means for people to access important health screenings and connect with service providers and resources. We didn’t want this year to go by without trying to provide some of those components in a unique way.

Be sure to “check in” to our virtual health fair event by completing the Google form through the image link below. Your form submission will give you one entry into all of the event door prize and giveaway drawings throughout the event, but you can earn more by being engaged with our event on Facebook. Connect with us there by visiting our Facebook event page, our Healthy You Facebook page, or our Healthy You Health & Wellness Community on Facebook.

Many of you come to the Cary Medical Center Health Fair each year to receive your flu vaccine. Just because we are physically distancing and virtual this year doesn’t mean that you are on your own for flu shots! We hosted our first drive-thru flu shot clinic yesterday and administered more than 100 vaccines! We still have four more drive-thru clinics available for you to get your immunization, so get out and get protected from the flu.