Cary Medical Center and Pines Health Services have begun a COVID 19 Community Vaccination Program. After completing vaccines for front line hospital workers and other health care providers the hospital and Pines have started to schedule individuals 70 and over to get the first dose of the Moderna Vaccine. The first public clinic was conducted on Wednesday, January 20th in the Chan Center at Cary. The clinic began with the oldest patients first and will work its way down to all those 70 and over. Kris Doody, RN, and CEO for Cary Medical Center and Pines said that being able to begin community vaccinations represents a major movement to confront the virus.
“For more than a year we have been waging a battle against the virus using public health guidelines”, said Doody who is a Registered Nurse and has joined other staff in giving vaccinations. “But today, while our supply of vaccine is limited, we were able to go on the offensive by offering some protection through the COVID 19 vaccine. We are overjoyed that we have begun our initial effort and we won’t stop until everyone who desires to get the vaccine has the opportunity.”
Doody praised the staff at Cary and Pines for their tireless efforts coping with COVID 1 and she encouraged members of the public to get vaccinated.
“Our staff, from doctors to nurses, technologists, therapists housekeepers, food service workers and all those on the front lines are the true heroes of this Pandemic and they are working so hard,” said Doody. “That is why we urge everyone to become part of the solution and get vaccinated.” She also said public vaccinations are dependent upon the amount of vaccine the hospital receives.
“We can only vaccinate the number of people by the number of doses of the vaccine that are provided to us by the state,” she said. “We are strictly following the instructions of the Maine CDC in administering the vaccine on the schedule they recommend.”
Regen Gallagher, DO, and Chief Medical Officer at Cary, said the first public clinic that was offered on Wednesday, in the Chan Center at Cary went very smoothly.
“We were very pleased with the way the clinic functioned,” said Gallagher who is heading up Cary’s COVID 19 response. “People seemed very grateful to have the opportunity to get their first dose and everyone who was scheduled showed up. That is key because we will not waste a single dose of vaccine, it is so precious.”
Patients of Pines Health Services who are 70 and older are being contacted and scheduled to receive their first dose of the vaccine. Once individuals receive the first dose they are scheduled for their second dose and are provided with a vaccine card with the date of their second vaccination. According to Dr. Gallagher, staff at Cary and Pines are developing the option for individuals to schedule their own vaccine on line in the near future.
“Just as soon as the supply of vaccine is adequate and reliable we can expand our clinics and hope to have this on-line scheduling available,” said Gallagher. “Right now we want to work through our initial numbers of those 70 and older. We have developed a data base of our Pines patients in this age group and we will be reaching out to them to schedule their vaccine appointment over the next days and weeks. We appreciate the public’s patience as we do our best to deliver the vaccine as soon as we possibly can.”
While people await the vaccine Gallagher repeated a message that has become familiar to everyone since the first cases of the vaccine were reported.
“Until we have reached at least 75% – 80% of the general public with both doses of vaccine we urge everyone to continue to wear a facemask whenever they are with people outside of their home. We also recommend that people avoid any gatherings outside their immediate household and that people wash their hands often. By doing these things we can substantially reduce our risk for infection. We are getting closer and closer to putting this pandemic behind us, but we must continue to remain vigilant.”
More information on the vaccination clinics provided by Pines and Cary is available by calling 207-498-1638.
Here are just a few of the many positive things our patients have to say about their the care they received at Cary Medical Center.