AMHC offers a 28-day Clinically-Managed High-Intensity Residential Treatment Facility in Limestone. This facility is an ASAM Level 3 residential service often referred to as “The Farm” and is for individuals needing 24-hour recovery focused care offered by trained counselors.
Aroostook Mental Health Center – AMHC Residential Treatment Facility Site Coordinator, Rebecca Fournier, recently sat down with Cary Medical Center’s Bethany Zell to discuss how the RTF program helps those who are struggling with substance use disorder.
Aroostook Mental Health Center’s Residential Treatment Facility program has so much to offer those who are ready to begin their recovery journey. Click the image below to access a downloadable PDF version of this service highlight to learn more about this awesome resource available right in Aroostook County.
Here are just a few of the many positive things our patients have to say about their the care they received at Cary Medical Center.