The Aroostook Area Agency on Aging has been a reliable resource for information and services to the aging members of our local communities for many years! Check out what they have going on by visiting their website at following them on Facebook at
Aroostook Area Agency on Aging Executive Director Joy Barresi Saucier recently sat down with WAGM-TV reporter Robert Grimm to discuss the work of the agency and why Aroostook Matters. Check out the story by clicking the image below to connect to the full video on YouTube.
What a great outline of the services that the Aroostook Agency on Aging offers. You can find this right on their website, so visit it now to learn more about any of these resources.
Click the images below to view two more PSAs about how the Aroostook Area Agency on Aging serves the people in our Aroostook communities and reach out today to find the support and resources that you need to live well as you age!
Here are just a few of the many positive things our patients have to say about their the care they received at Cary Medical Center.