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Our environment can have a positive or negative effect on our overall health and wellness. If our environment is in order, it can create feelings of peace and calm, if it is constantly cluttered or in chaos, it can bring on feelings of stress, panic and frustration.

  • Looking for important forms in a landslide of paperwork and unsorted mail?
  • Trying to find tools that weren’t returned to their proper place?
  • Tripping over toys and clutter as you walk from room to room?

All of these scenarios add stress, time and sometimes even cost (when we need to rebuy things we know that we have but can’t find) to our bottom-line in life.

It doesn’t have to look like an episode of Hoarders for there to be negative impacts. Even small amounts of disorder and clutter can create added work in looking for things we use on a daily basis or safety risks from trips, falls or other types of accidental injuries.

In that same line of thinking, it can feel overwhelming to wake up and declare an entire weekend of “spring/summer/fall/winter cleaning” to get your home to a place where the clutter and chaos no longer feels stressful and overwhelming. You may not have that kind of time, energy or the help required. If you don’t…start small. Today, start with your junk drawer, a cabinet or small closet – whatever you can reasonably do in whatever time you have available. You don’t want to pull everything out of your deepest, darkest, walk-in closet if you only have an hour. Each little step will bring its own little victory as you take back control of your chaotic environments – one junk drawer at a time!


What People Say About Us

Here are just a few of the many positive things our patients have to say about their the care they received at Cary Medical Center.

  1. The staff in one day surgery is absolutely amazing. I was very thankful for my team of nurses, doctors and right down to the secretary that checked me in. You all were so amazing, friendly and professional. Thank you so much!

    Desiree S.

    Desiree S.

  2. I am beyond happy with our visit at Cary! We can't thank you and your amazing staff for keeping our little boy your #1 concern. You did such an amazing job! Thank you Cary Medical Center!

    Whittni N.

    Whittni N.

  3. This hospital was exactly what a hospital should be. The took such good care of my grandmother and the display of humanity and compassion was genuine. I am forever grateful.

    Joshua S.

    Joshua S.

  4. I had my son at Cary and I couldn’t imagine being treated better anywhere. The staff were attentive, empathetic, and went above and beyond for my comfort. I wouldn’t want to give birth anywhere else.

    Emily O.

    Emily O.

  5. A big shout-out to the doctors, nurses, and staff at Cary Medical Center’s ER, Imaging, Lab, Food Service, and ACU Departments. I can’t thank you enough for the wonderful care from each of you.

    Stephanie P.

    Stephanie P.

Pink Aroostook
Healthy You