We all know it…screen time is on the rise and it’s almost the exception to the rule to find a person who isn’t “on the grid” in some capacity, be it cell phone, tablet or television. We feel “social” and connected to others through the popular platforms, but are we? Is social media becoming a safety net or substitute to real relationships? Granted, we can use social media to connect with people we know in person – family and friends who live far away – but are we truly connecting when we scroll through our news feed and “LIKE” someone’s picture? Is that enough to maintain true relationships? Is all this social media helping or hurting our ability to socialize in real life when we have to? It’s nice to be able to shut off or silence our device – taking a break during virtual interaction – but we can’t do that when we are in the room with real people. Do we lose those skills from inactivity? Well, we certainly aren’t slowing down on our virtual interaction.
Some cell phones have built in tracking to help you find out how much screen time you use if you really aren’t sure. Today, keep a log to really identify how much screen time you get across all of your devices so that you can get a better idea of your usage and where you should be cutting back.