Tree of Life

Family Health Care, Oncology, Orthopedics, OB Health Services: Caribou, ME

Tree of Life

The Jefferson Cary Foundation is pleased to present the Tree of Life. Through the generosity of Daigle Oil Company, the Tree of Life adorns a prominent spot in the hospital entrance.

The Tree of Life provides a permanent record of the philanthropy of those who have contributed to the foundation. A donation of $1,000.00 to the Foundation’s memorial fund, annual appeal, or endowment will be commemorated by the placement of a leaf, with the donor’s name inscribed, on the tree. This donation may be a one-time contribution, or a donor may contribute over a period of time. Higher levels of giving are recognized with stones, which are displayed at the base of the tree.

The Jefferson Cary Foundation is hopeful that this beautiful public display of individual and corporate generosity will encourage others to participate in helping the Tree of Life grow. The growth of the tree is a symbol of the improved ability of the Jefferson Cary Foundation to provide financial support for worthwhile health care activities, resulting in a healthier community.

Please help the Tree of Life to grow, one leaf at a time.