Family Health Care, Oncology, Orthopedics, OB Health Services: Caribou, ME
Cary Medical Center is committed to providing a ‘holistic’ approach to patient care. We recognize the value of a spiritual dimension in the care of our patients and support of families experiencing a medical issue. We welcome members of the clergy to participate in our clergy visitation program. While Cary Medical Center does not maintain a full-time chaplaincy service, ordained ministers and recognized lay ministers of various religious faiths visit patients at the hospital on a routine basis.
While the hospital invites members of the clergy to visit patients, it also has a legal obligation to protect patient privacy. For this reason, the hospital has established specific policies to guide clergy in their visits or in providing services to patients.
The name of each Cary patient who has agreed to clergy visitation is listed on a census sheet at the switchboard. The information includes patient name, room number, religious affiliation, and date of admission. The names on the census sheet are grouped according to the patient’s religious affiliation. General clergy and lay ministers are limited in access to the census sheet of their own religious denomination. They may not have access to other names on the patient census sheet. (Exception: those pastors serving more than one denominational affiliation).
Members of the clergy or designated lay ministers are asked to review the hospital’s policy on clergy visitation. The hospital provides photo ID cards for clergy and lay ministers. Please contact our hospital Social Work Department for a complete copy of our Clergy Visitation Policy by calling 207-498-1215.
Clergy are asked to visit during regular visiting hours. However, if there are special needs which cannot be met during regular hours, check with the nurse on duty to see if the patient is able to receive his/her clergy-person. Communion is available through our Catholic Eucharistic Ministers. Patients are invited to speak with their nurse or the hospital social worker if they would like to see a member of the clergy. Our visiting clergy or official church representatives are invited to use the ‘Veterans Chapel’ located in the hospital.
Cary Medical Center offers an annual appreciation luncheon for our visiting clergy. From time to time, educational programs focusing on spiritual issues are also presented. We invite you to contact our office of Community Relations for more information at 207-498-1112.